That’s a wrap!
Finally old mate over here will stop banging on about this degree.
Thank you for those that have stuck around to watch.
What started out as a 3year full time degree at Paramount college of natural medicine ended up being a 5.25yr full time degree at Endeavour College! So thanks to those that have put up with me.
An adventure to say the least. You have all watched the ups and downs, the growth and the accomplishments along with the hard times through it all. This degree was not just about gaining amazing knowledge about the intricate systems and functionality of the body. It was oh so so so much more.
Starting out doing 6 modules a semester and raising a 2,4 and 7 year old. In these years i have made many sacrifices but I also wouldn’t change it, as it’s molded me to be who I am today.
I have been through..........
Moving house twice.
A relationship/marriage ending from my high school sweetheart.
Missing holidays, weekends and events because I was studying, doing assignments or exams.
Late nights (I still can’t believe I use to stay up till 1am studying that first year) and early mornings.
A uni closure and adding on more time.
Weekly trips to Perth and back.
100s of podcasts, audio books and playlist.
Getting weird looks and some waves on the Hwy with my amazing singing and acting skills in the car.
Finding love with a woman.
Coming out as a lesbian to myself, my family, friends and others.(That’s still happens).
Learning about the most amazing research in the herbal and nutritional medicine world, alongside finding my love for research and science 🤭.
Feeling mum guilt constantly because I had to leave the boys whilst I traveled. And I forgot to pack lunch one day!
Getting amazingly organised for a week ahead, uniforms, school events and dress ups… c'mon I exceeded here yeah? Lol
Constantly growing as a human and learning about who I was and what I wanted to become.
Meeting the most specials humans in my life that totally understood me and talked my nerdy language.
Study… did I mention study?
Heartbreak, pain, depression, happiness, joy every emotional possible.
I gained a few tattoos in this time.
The ability to lean on my family. (You know who you are, the list is long and I love ALL so dearly, I’m so grateful to still have my ex husband and his family in my world)
Pressure like I have never experienced before.
Watching my boys grow up before my eyes.
Making amazing connections through social media…. Some sneaky woman slid in to my DM's last year from Argentina and she arrives in 2 weeks ;)
And finally bravery, courage, ambition, persistence and dedication.
If I can do a degree and have all of this happen in my life, you can too!
Believe in your dreams and they will come true. Now for the exciting future ahead. I have lots install for you!
See you soon lovelies. xxx